Yorkshire Conversation

The idea of the “Yorkshire Conversation” is that the people of Yorkshire should decide for themselves on the form and nature that future governance arrangements for the region should take.

The first stage might be some form of convention to see what choices there are. For example, do we actually want an administration for the region or are we happy to let the concept of Yorkshire disappear into history? What are the advantages of a Yorkshire administration? What are the drawbacks? Why do we need our own administration?

If it is decided that we want an administration for Yorkshire, then what form should this take; an executive; an assembly or some other form? What powers should our administration have? How should it be appointed?

The very nature of our democracy indicates that all these matters should be decided by the people that actually live here; not foisted upon us by some distant oligarchy.

The first stage in this consultative process is to actually get the process itself off the ground. Whilst we might be part of a collaborative initiative to get things moving; we do not, and should not, claim any rights to lead it. We will be working towards getting the process going over the coming weeks but, due to the collaborative nature of the work and to the costs involved, do not expect things to happen immediately. We will post regular announcements on progress on this page.

Yorkshire Conversation Update

The Yorkshire Society will be hosting an important debate in the Yorkshire Museum, on the evening of July 31st. The title of this event is the “Forum on the future governance of Yorkshire”. Follow the link below for more information and to book a place. We will provide details of the conference programme as soon as they become available.